Posted in Down syndrome, Dual Diagnosis Down syndrome and autism, Parenting Special Needs

Blog #150~A&E’s Born This Way, an Exclusive Interview

Blog #150~A&E’s Born This Way, an Exclusive Interview

A&E’s Emmy nominated series, Born This Way premieres its second season next Tuesday, 7/26/16 at 10pm/9pm (Central).  Born This Way features a cast of seven young adults with Down syndrome.  The show follows each cast member pursuing their real lives with passions, wants and needs the same as any other person their age. It will warm your heart, make you laugh and smile. They shine a wonderful light showing how awesome their lives are. And they’ve got serious swag…..

A&E’s Born This Way premieres, Tuesday July 26th at 10pm/ 9pm (Central)


Recently, I was approached by the marketing department to partnership with A&E to help bring awareness and promote this show.  My son, Nick is 22 years old and has Down syndrome as well as autism.  So, I was happy to jump at the chance to do so.  Today’s blog post is an exclusive interview with the mother of Sean, a featured cast member on the show.

Sean McElwee is 22 years old.  He’s a dashing young man, an excellent golfer and gifted athlete. Sean thrived in inclusion in primary school and survived exclusion in secondary school.  He attends community college and works at Home Depot. He is a self-professed ladies man, and has dance moves that own the floor.

Sean with his parents Rick and Sandra……

Sean family pic

Let’s get to the interview with Sean’s Mom, Sandra Assimotos McElwee ….

Sandra Assimotos McElwee is an advocate for unborn babies with Down syndrome and created one of the first websites for parents with a prenatal diagnosis. She’s the author of three books,Who’s the Slow Learner? A Chronicle of Inclusion and Exclusion”. McElwee contributed to the books, Gifts: Mothers Reflect on How Children with Down Syndrome Enrich Our Lives“,  and “You Will Dream New Dreams, Inspiring Personal Stories by Parents of Children with Disabilities.” Married over twenty-two years to Sean’s father, Rick, they enjoy traveling and participating in Sean’s sports activities.  A medical sales professional, McElwee’s most important job is being Sean’s mother.

Interview with Sandra McElwee, Sean’s mom:

1.     What advice do you have for parents with younger children and newborns that have Down syndrome?

—Enjoy your baby, don’t get caught up in the ‘what could be’ although I know it’s hard to not think about a future wedding when you have a baby. The dreams you may have, the dreams that you had that may have been dashed by the diagnosis –they will become new dreams and in my case dreams I could never have imagined in my wildest imagination! 

2.  During the age that Sean was in the public school system, what was the most difficult part of the IEP process for you?  Where you happy with the end result of schooling and his IEP.

—I’ve written a book about this—‘Who’s the Slow Learner? A Chronicle of Inclusion and Exclusion.’

Who's The Slow Learner

Sean was an inclusion pioneer, the first student included with a disability in his elementary school. His inclusion was such a success by the 4th grade the school became an inclusive school and there were no segregated classes and around 40 students with a variety of special needs fully included. The wheels fell off in secondary school. So no, I was not happy with the end result, but the first 7 years were text-book perfect.

The most difficult part of the IEP process was in high school when educators and administrators outright lied to me.  

3.  What advice would you give for new teachers and special education teachers who will be working with students that have Down syndrome?

–Please give your students opportunities. Allow them to express their interests and support them in pursuing their interests. Don’t assume just because someone can’t speak clearly that they don’t have something to say—listen to them. And do not expect a person with Down syndrome to have BETTER BEHAVIOR than the typical students.  

4.  What has been your biggest joy and accomplishment raising Sean?  What has been the toughest time and struggle?

–Seeing Sean grow into a confident, independent adult. The toughest struggles have been dealing with the prejudices of educators who limited his opportunities when he was in high school. 

5.  What would you like to share with the world about Sean, Down syndrome and being on Born This Way?

—I want the world to see that Sean and people with DS are more alike than different, they simply needs support and opportunities to show the world their capabilities. 

6.  As a mom of my son Nick, who is 22 years old and has Down syndrome; what are your biggest fears for your son now that he is an adult? 

—My biggest fears are that he will get his heart broken to the point of not wanting to try again…although he really has a lot of tenacity so like most fears, mine is probably unfounded.

I hope that Born This Way and this interview will enlighten and inspire parents, family, friends and educators who have been lucky enough to be touched by a child who has Down syndrome.  Be sure to set your DVR’s for A&E’s Born This Way.  Please share this blog and the additional social media links below.  That’s what is in my noggin this week!


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Posted in Autism, Down syndrome, Dual Diagnosis Down syndrome and autism, Fun Side of Nick, Uncategorized

Blog #149~Vacation/Staycation

Blog #149~Vacation/Staycation

How’s your summer going?  Nick had a blast on vacation in Texas, and a staycation here with his cousins. My son Nick is 22 years old and has Down syndrome and autism. We flew down to Texas late June, for a family reunion in the Hill Country.  I managed to knock a few things off my Texas bucket list including Tex-Mex food, tubing, swimming and authentic BBQ.

Nick enjoying the pool with his cousins, Jake and Jenna….

Nick Hill Country pool

A plate of Texas heaven….


It was great to see extended family, share laughs, stories, meals, elbow bumps, and get those awesome Overbey family hugs!  Thanks Laura and Scott for hosting a wonderful event.

Texas sunset

We enjoyed a nice 4th of July, and Nick certainly got into the patriotic spirit. I don’t know where he comes up with these things……

Nick flags

Following the 4th of July, my niece and nephew came up for a week.  We had a lot of fun taking them out and spoiling them. They knocked a few things off their Chicago bucket list:

* Chicago White Sox game

*Taste of Chicago

*Millennium Park “The Bean”


* Giordano’s deep dish pizza


*Portillo’s Italian Beef

*Blain’s Farm and Fleet (not sure that was on the list, but a good laugh between me and Jenna)

Thank you to our respite workers, (Jodi, Kelsey and Lara) for taking Nick out during our staycation. It was fun enjoying Chicago with the kids, and just hanging out (and being the cool aunt).

Elbow Bumps….

Nick and Jenna

So, that’s our summer thus far.  On another note, I’m excited to share a great opportunity with you.  Recently I was approached to be in a partnership with A&E’s hit show, Born This Way!  This series features young adults who have Down syndrome showing everyone the possibilities.  I got an exclusive interview you won’t want to miss. Look for the blog post later this week.  Check the social media sites below  for more information, including a look at the trailer.  Let’s get the word out, and share this on your social media as well.

A&E’s Born This Way premieres next Tuesday, July 26th at 10/9c!

BTW FB creative.jpg

What a great summer, it’s been.  See you in a few days with my exclusive Born This Way interview! That’s what is in my noggin this week.


Follow Nick:


Facebook @Down Syndrome With A Slice Of Autism


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Posted in Autism, Down syndrome, Dual Diagnosis Down syndrome and autism, Uncategorized

Nick Update

Nick Update

Nick flag

Vacation in Texas and the 4th of July were a lot of fun.  Nick’s cousins have been visiting us for the past week.  We’ve had a blast and look forward to sharing all about it next Monday.  Want to know more about Nick’s world, Down syndrome and autism?  There are a variety of categories located on the right side, below the archives  including:

Adult Day Programs for Special Needs

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)


Autism Safety and Wandering


Down syndrome

Dual Diagnosis Down syndrome and autism

Education and Special Needs

Feeding, Personal Hygiene, Toileting

Fun Side of Nick

Government/Legal Matters Related to Special Needs

Health Issues and Special Needs


Parenting Special Needs

Physical Therapy and Special Needs

Recreation/Leisure and Special Needs

Resources for Special Needs

Speech and Occupational Therapy

Tech Stuff/Apps and Video Based Instruction


We have daily updates on our social media sites below. Have a great week and see you next Monday with more of Nick’s world!

~Teresa and Nick

Follow Nick:


Facebook @Down Syndrome With A Slice Of Autism

pintrest@Down Syndrome With A Slice Of Autism
